Blvck Konig Arts and Culture is a non-profit organization that specializes in the development of at-risk and adjudicated youth from the ages of 10-15 years old. Statistically, this age group is particularly more likely to be problematic, but also show most signs of receptiveness. Blvck Konig Arts and Culture creates broad art-based curriculums in visual arts and fashion; where students will learn new skills and develop projects that will be displayed at an end-term event for their community. Blvck Konig was established in 2019, but has been assisting local communities in Southern California and Central Georgia since 2015. An astonishing number of youth are struggling to deal with behavioral issues, substance abuse issues, and other obstacles that tend to plague today’s troubled youth. We believe that the majority of these issues can be treated and/or avoided with structural programs, cultural enlightenment, and freedom of expression. The program develops and reinforces: self-identity, interpersonal skills, transitions through life events, and preventative skills. The program will form partnerships with local school districts and juvenile detention centers in order to outreach potential youth. Blvck Konig Arts and Culture influences prosocial friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and asserts a sense of hope in their futures. At-risk youth struggle with repeated failures in the classroom resulting in the development of destructive habits. Today’s youth have lost faith in the opportunities that await them if they are successful in putting their lives together. Many have artistic talents or creative intellect, that when further developed can lead to successful careers. It is our goal to provide a safe and caring learning environment to ensure growth. Blvck Konig Arts and Culture is a program that is an immediate response to the growing number of youth that are feeling left behind at school or already trapped in the court systems. The goal of our program is to identify troubled youths who are going to struggle with the transition to adulthood and offer positive reinforcement to avoid the obstacles that may affect their lives.